Madrassah Khayriah Hasan

A poorly preserved construction is the early fourteenth century Khayriya Hasan madrassah to the west of the Grand Mosque with its portal surrounded by a palm-leaf motif cornice. In addition to its conventional two-colored stone lintels, over the large Street level windows, there are smaller windows with rounded arches as well as medieval carved stone rainspouts. Over the lintel of the portal is a six line inscription, an extract from the waaji’ya, giving us details on the financial arrangements made by the donor for the endowment of this madrassah. There are listed the buildings which belong to the donor, the wife of one called Quthi: a soap factory, an oil mill as well as part of the income from two mills outside the city. The income was to be used for the upkeep of the madrasah and for the salaries of its teachers.”